Thursday, July 16, 2009

Listen With the Ear of Your Heart

"A River of Stones"
photograph by Kate Jobe
This post relates to the theme of this weeks Poetry Party at Christine Valters Painter's blog, Abbey of the Arts. The theme "Listen With the ear of Your Heart" is reflected in this poem that Christine wrote and featured in this blog post:

"ears listen, eyes look,

hearing, seeing below ground

to the sacred source "

Stones and crystals...minerals...are below ground..and permeate it with sacred source. They are solid and ethereal at the same time. Many times they appear rough, monochromatic and plain on the outside, but when cracked open, reveal themselves to be lustrous and resplendent with many faceted hues of color.

Stones, like humans, are far more complex when you place your full attention upon their unique beauty and seek to understand the wisdom they have come into this world to share. Stones, like some people may appear to be uncommunicative but, when listened to with the ear of your heart, their truth will flow into you. It is the only way to truly hear the notes of the music of life.

What notes of the music of life have you been missing because you forgot to listen with the ear of your heart? What truth have you heard when you did allow your heart to guide your ability to hear? What new song can you hear whispering in your ear? What melody have you closed yourself off from and cannot hear?